Scottsdale Jazz Festival garners funding agreement – Your Valley

Jazz will continue to flow in Scottsdale thanks to City Council-approved funding resolution.

The International Jazz Day Az Foundation, producers of the Scottsdale Jazz Festival, will receive funding not to exceed $30,000, which the Scottsdale City Council approved on consent during its Jan. 14 meeting at City Hall, 3939 N. Drinkwater Blvd. Money will come from the Tourism Development Fund.

The foundation requested a one-year event development agreement with the city for its ninth annual event, which serves as a trailhead for Jazz Appreciation Month.

The goal of the event, city staff say, is to “bring together communities, schools, artists, historians, academics and jazz enthusiasts to celebrate and learn about Jazz music.”

In 2018, the Jazz Day Celebration participated in the city’s community event program, receiving $7,000. The city defines a community event as locally significant; may have historical value; celebrates a community spirit and unique sense of place; and residents primarily attend it but still offers visitors a chance to participate.

In November 2019, the Tourism Development Commission recommended the allocation of the monies from the Tourism Development Fund established for events and event development.

International Jazz Day will be April 4 at the Scottsdale Civic Center Mall for six hours. City staff estimate about 3,000 will attend. Event producers will pay $25,000 in advertising and marketing efforts, with a total expense budget of $101,800.

City staff identified potential benefits of the event as primarily marketing and promotional, being substantially equal to the city’s expenditure.

Once the event concludes, the city will receive a post event report with an evaluation of the producer’s performance under the event funding agreement. It will also outline if the city and public achieved their desired benefits.