Blues Festival Moves to LECOM Park – The Bradenton Times

Staff Report•

BRADENTON �” The ninth year of the Bradenton Blues Festival will look a little different, but the plan is for the blues to play on. The festival, normally held on the Bradenton Riverwalk, will be moved to LECOM Park this year, and fewer tickets will be sold – two concessions to achieving the social distancing necessary to help maintain public health and safety.

The main festival is scheduled for Saturday, December 5 and will be headlined by 2020 Blues Hall of Fame inductees Billy Branch & The Sons of Blues. Other acts include Mud Morganfield (the eldest son of blues legend Muddy Waters) and Tampa blues guitar sensation Selwyn Birchwood. Click here for the full lineup.

The free Blues Appetizer concert will take place the night before and feature two acts: Tullie Brae Band and Crystal Shawanda Band. The Bradenton Blues Brunch will wrap things up on Sunday morning with local favorites Greg Poulos and Damon Fowler. For tickets and schedule information, visit